Is an LED screen a Cost-Effective Advertising Medium?

Indoor and outdoor LED signs are cost-effective advertising media. Based upon the cost per thousand exposures of their message to the public no other form of advertising comes close to matching the efficiency and cost-effectiveness, dollar for dollar, of an LED display:

  • Newspaper advertising – the cost on average is about $7.39 for 1000 exposures within a 10-mile radius of the business location.
  • Television advertising – The cost on average is approximately $6.26 per 1000 exposures.
  • Radio advertising – The cost is about $5.47 per 1000 exposures.
  • New LED electronic message center display – The cost is less than $0.15 per 1000 exposures.


Assume, for example, that you spend $30,000.00 on this type of system, and that its useful life is about ten
years. The amortized daily cost of the message center would equal about $8.22.

Add to this the daily cost of electricity for this new LED unit (approximately $0.20), thus giving your business a daily message
center expense total of $8.42.

With a daily traffic count of 20,000 vehicles passing your business, you would have a cost of less than $0.43 per thousand exposures (counting drivers only)!

Best of all, with a changeable copy sign, a business does not have to worry about missing its target audience,
becoming “yesterday’s news,” or facing expensive production costs for changing its message, as happens frequently
with the other forms of advertising mentioned.

Moreover, LED signs allow you to market your products and services to your immediate trade area and prevent wasteful advertising expenses. A business does not have to worry about missing its target audience, becoming “yesterday’s news,” or facing expensive production costs for changing its message, as happens frequently with the other forms of advertising mentioned.

Information courtesy of Small Business Association. SBA Co-sponsorship Authorization Number 00-7630-43.